Enough of losers stuck in rebuttal mode
(too old to reply)
2024-09-22 03:47:03 UTC
Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer
Richard Damon
2024-09-22 11:03:39 UTC
On 9/21/24 11:47 PM, olcott wrote:
You mean you are done with yourself and how you don't have an answer so
just do a Trumpian rebutting without facts>
2024-09-23 08:30:37 UTC
Le 22/09/2024 à 05:47, olcott a écrit :
Pride, one of the seven deadly sins, considered by some to be the
gravest of all sins. In the theological sense, pride is defined as an
excessive love of one’s own excellence. As a deadly sin, pride is
believed to generate other sins and further immoral behavior and is
countered by the heavenly virtue of humility.
Mild Shock
2024-09-23 11:02:53 UTC
"humility" the perfect advice for all
the factory workers around the globe.
religion the opium of the masses.
Post by Python
Pride, one of the seven deadly sins, considered by some to be the
gravest of all sins. In the theological sense, pride is defined as an
excessive love of one’s own excellence. As a deadly sin, pride is
believed to generate other sins and further immoral behavior and is
countered by the heavenly virtue of humility.
Mild Shock
2024-09-23 11:09:56 UTC
For morons stuck in medieval morals:

Interesting historical twist, before
the big bosses of the factories,
there were the big bosses of the

monasteries, with their serfs de la
Maison-Dieu, servi ecclesiastici. The
Gotteshausleute were an important

part of the rural economy in areas
where the church held large landholdings,
contributing to the wealth and influence

of religious institutions in the Middle Ages.
Post by Mild Shock
"humility" the perfect advice for all
the factory workers around the globe.
religion the opium of the masses.
Post by Python
Pride, one of the seven deadly sins, considered by some to be the
gravest of all sins. In the theological sense, pride is defined as an
excessive love of one’s own excellence. As a deadly sin, pride is
believed to generate other sins and further immoral behavior and is
countered by the heavenly virtue of humility.
Mild Shock
2024-09-23 11:35:10 UTC
With the ggexit we are in the middle of a
a comedy of the digital commons, which
is nothing else than a new feudal system.

Ultimately there will be more censoring,
and more standardized interpretation
of the world through AI. We already

have lost Archimedes Plutionium and
Dan Christensen. Humanity can just
dispose of its own brains now.
Post by Mild Shock
Interesting historical twist, before
the big bosses of the factories,
there were the big bosses of the
monasteries, with their serfs de la
Maison-Dieu, servi ecclesiastici. The
Gotteshausleute were an important
part of the rural economy in areas
where the church held large landholdings,
contributing to the wealth and influence
of religious institutions in the Middle Ages.
Post by Mild Shock
"humility" the perfect advice for all
the factory workers around the globe.
religion the opium of the masses.
Post by Python
Pride, one of the seven deadly sins, considered by some to be the
gravest of all sins. In the theological sense, pride is defined as an
excessive love of one’s own excellence. As a deadly sin, pride is
believed to generate other sins and further immoral behavior and is
countered by the heavenly virtue of humility.
Mild Shock
2024-09-23 11:48:17 UTC
The "comedy of the digital commons" is a new
concept. It has never been described yet,
neo-feudalism was rather linked to

hi-tech goods available only for the elite,
but what we see now is not a scarcity,
or gating, its more a different problem,


the problem of oligarchy and monopoly
and brainwash in the public sphere.
Post by Mild Shock
With the ggexit we are in the middle of a
a comedy of the digital commons, which
is nothing else than a new feudal system.
Ultimately there will be more censoring,
and more standardized interpretation
of the world through AI. We already
have lost Archimedes Plutionium and
Dan Christensen. Humanity can just
dispose of its own brains now.
Post by Mild Shock
Interesting historical twist, before
the big bosses of the factories,
there were the big bosses of the
monasteries, with their serfs de la
Maison-Dieu, servi ecclesiastici. The
Gotteshausleute were an important
part of the rural economy in areas
where the church held large landholdings,
contributing to the wealth and influence
of religious institutions in the Middle Ages.
Post by Mild Shock
"humility" the perfect advice for all
the factory workers around the globe.
religion the opium of the masses.
Post by Python
Pride, one of the seven deadly sins, considered by some to be the
gravest of all sins. In the theological sense, pride is defined as an
excessive love of one’s own excellence. As a deadly sin, pride is
believed to generate other sins and further immoral behavior and is
countered by the heavenly virtue of humility.
Mild Shock
2024-09-23 11:52:08 UTC
As Asma Mhalla, lecturer at SciencesPo Paris
and École Polytechnique, recently said,
“Technology is the vehicle of normalization.”
This has been the case since the first printing
presses made mass production of books possible,
and generative AI is no exception. Its designers
shape the tools according to their own worldview —
a historical, economic, strategic, political,
ethical, and/or philosophical vision of the world.

This ambivalence could not be more worrying when
it comes to AI. As Alix mentioned, the people
in George Orwell’s novel 1984 are conditioned
by a totalitarian state, with the Ministry of
Truth tailoring reality and history. Its “Newspeak”
output is a language without nuance, a language
that shapes thought — and consequently leads
to the absence of thought.

Post by Mild Shock
The "comedy of the digital commons" is a new
concept. It has never been described yet,
neo-feudalism was rather linked to
hi-tech goods available only for the elite,
but what we see now is not a scarcity,
or gating, its more a different problem,
the problem of oligarchy and monopoly
and brainwash in the public sphere.
Post by Mild Shock
With the ggexit we are in the middle of a
a comedy of the digital commons, which
is nothing else than a new feudal system.
Ultimately there will be more censoring,
and more standardized interpretation
of the world through AI. We already
have lost Archimedes Plutionium and
Dan Christensen. Humanity can just
dispose of its own brains now.
Post by Mild Shock
Interesting historical twist, before
the big bosses of the factories,
there were the big bosses of the
monasteries, with their serfs de la
Maison-Dieu, servi ecclesiastici. The
Gotteshausleute were an important
part of the rural economy in areas
where the church held large landholdings,
contributing to the wealth and influence
of religious institutions in the Middle Ages.
Post by Mild Shock
"humility" the perfect advice for all
the factory workers around the globe.
religion the opium of the masses.
Post by Python
Pride, one of the seven deadly sins, considered by some to be the
gravest of all sins. In the theological sense, pride is defined as an
excessive love of one’s own excellence. As a deadly sin, pride is
believed to generate other sins and further immoral behavior and is
countered by the heavenly virtue of humility.